Hugh Hefner and Playboy: How can you like both and still be a Feminist?

If you follow me on any of my social channels such as my Twitter or Instagram, you will likely be aware that on Thursday I was pretty devastated about the passing of Hugh Hefner. But wait, Claire, aren’t you a feminist? Yes, I am.

I haven’t sat and written a proper chatty, opinion piece for ages, and before blogging become the ridiculous, high-quality editorial thing it is now, this is what I came into blogging to do; to write and debate, and provide my opinion on current topics and issues.

I have written a fair amount about my feminist views and how I perceive modern feminism–

Feminist and married

You can’t define feminism as an emoji

Page 3, Playboy and questioning modern objectification

…to list just three.

Hugh Hefner and Playboy

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Taking my husband’s surname: Does that mean I am not a feminist?

Confession, I believe a married woman can still be a feminist, even if she has taken her husband’s surname. I have been married for almost a year now and I never for a moment questioned that taking my husband’s surname was the right thing to do.

Feminist and married

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Squad Goals & Why I don’t want to be in your Gang

Hey Sweeties,

I don’t think it’s just me to notice, but the media in 2016 was obsessed with inventing a million new buzz words that suddenly, and quite unconsciously, entered our everyday vocabulary. This also applies to trends and today I want to address this whole (girl) #squad bollocks that mostly seemed to attach itself to Taylor Swift and the like.

Taylor Swift alone I could write a whole blog post on. I love her music and while she is absolutely totally free to date and shag who she likes (21st Century 4th wave feminism n’all), the other half of me just thinks she shouldn’t flaunt it quite so much (because I’m married and nearly thirty which seems to have had an effect on how I  view certain behaviour).


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Having it all: women, careers and parenting

On Thursday evening I caught the first episode of Anne Robinson’s Britain on BBC1 and this episode focused on parenting. I was watching fairly unconsciously until Editor-in-Chief of Elle Magazine UK, Lorraine Candy got featured and suddenly I took an interest.

Long-term readers of ClaireySweetie will know how much I admire Lorraine and was lucky enough to meet her a couple of years ago at an event and properly fan-girled (here)!

Careers, parenting and what it means to have it all

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You Can’t Define Feminism (as an Emoji)

Feminism as an emoji

Until I went to university, my awareness and knowledge of feminism was quite limited, I was only really aware of the suffragettes and the whole bra burning thing. So it wasn’t until I was 22-23 years old and studying for my degree that I learnt that feminism transformed (& dare I say progressed) in waves.

But regular readers will be very well versed in my views and ideas on feminism and the movement we’re currently experiencing so I won’t repeat myself.

I have also touched upon my (male) colleagues at work who wind me up endlessly on things re feminism and their favourite topic is Caitlyn Jenner. However, while I participate in endless banter, despite my concerns that they assumed feminists to be one thing, they do acknowledge that feminism has moved on but to define it, or a feminist specifically, is hard.

In a separate discussion, one of my colleagues asked if I use emoji’s in blog posts and I said I didn’t –both in this one (except the occasional smiley face) and the blog I manage at work. Somehow he then asked me what emoji I would use for feminism and I said (again) that you can’t define feminism (& feminists) as one thing, hence how the idea for this post was sparked.

And you can’t, can you? Feminism cannot be defined in any one emoji I have yet seen –now there’s a challenge if there ever was one!

Emoji’s aside, but keeping on the topic of the F-word, a week or two ago I read an article about how if women use the term ‘lovely’ and put x at the end of emails, we’re questioning our loyalty to feminism which is OUTRAGEOUS; language does not determine how feminist you are!

I call you all ‘Sweeties’ within my posts, does that make me less of a feminist? Do I offend you all? Do you think less of me? I also sign off my posts with an ‘x’…again, does that change things and make you reinterpret what I say?

For the record, I use ‘sweeties’ & sign off with a ‘x’ because I see it as a friendly kind of affection that I can easily spread and without knowing most of you on a personal level, I still want to talk to you with the same warmth as I would my closest friends. So we’re cool, right?

Anyway, some more food for thought and I would love to hear your opinions on the above; maybe you even have the ultimate feminist emoji?

Have a great week, lovelies 😉

Until next time x

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