Why it’s important to experience failure and the lessons learnt

There are three key moments in my 31 years that I have experienced failure. At the time and even up to the present day, these moments have been integral to me learning more about myself, and strengthening my inner being.

I hate failing with a passion, I don’t find it comfortable but I do believe we need to fail in life and learn from those experiences.

About me

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Work experience: How to get it & why it’s important

It’s the start of a new academic year and many of you will be embarking on university life; learning to live independently for the first time, studying for a degree, working part-time, all the while thinking about what the hell you’re going to do at the other end.

I went to uni knowing what I wanted to do at the other end, but I still needed work experience for two reasons:

1. to be 100% sure it was a career I would like (because everything sounds great until you’re actually doing it for yourself)

2. to give myself a head start over other graduates applying for the same positions.

Work Experience

Work Experience

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How to be a Bad Manager: Four Easy Steps to Follow

Hey Sweeties,

Good management is so overrated, nobody talks about the manager they love, who manages them well and is a great support to getting the best out of them in the workplace. No, it’s the bad managers that get conversation going between colleagues, friends and family, so if you think this is something to aspire to, read on!

How to be a Bad Manager: Four Easy Steps to Follow

Bad manager

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Career Advice you didn’t get taught at School

The career advice you didn’t get taught at school. It has -at the time of writing- been 13 years since I was at school, and it is only later in life you acknowledge how small a part of life school plays, but at the time it quite literally is your whole world.

While the national curriculum might still be questionable as to how much of it you’ll actually need in the real world, your teachers spend a lot of time trying to prepare you for the world of work and plug in career advice where they can. However, what you are told and what you experience in the workplace and further education can be quite different.

Career advice you didn't get taught at school

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Panic attack at work: five pieces of advice to help you feel safe

Having a panic attack is scary. Having a panic attack at work, a place you’re exposed, vulnerable and surrounded by people that you may or may not like, is worse.

In my last place of work (that I left without a plan), I was having panic attacks most days during my (unsurprisingly) short time with them. And towards the end of my time at the company before that, I had also experienced panic attacks. So I know what it’s like to be gripped by something that overtakes your body and mind without warning in an undesirable location.

All of the following points will mostly apply to anyone who has panic attacks often, and those who have stumbled upon this post having recently experienced their first panic attack at work. You’re in safe hands here my sweeties, we can get through anything.

Panic Attack at work

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