Moving out of home: Ten lessons I have learnt in 10 years

Moving out of home for the first time is daunting as much as it is exciting. On this day, 10 years ago it was my first day at dental nurse school at Kings College, London. I was 19 years old and was experiencing living away from home for the first time, leaving my family back in Devon.

When I look back, my twenties have been a decade of transition in many areas and in a few months when I celebrate my 30th birthday, I will feel proud for having allowed myself the opportunity, however sad and often lonely it has been, to learn who I really am.

Moving out of home can be a scary time, particularly if you are moving away from your family and friends. I have spent much of my life moving around, both with my family and without them so I know exactly how difficult and nerve-wracking it can be.

Looking back there are some things I wish I had not experienced, but then again, experiencing them was character building and helped shape future decisions; so I do not live in regret.

10 pieces of advice for moving out of home

moving out of home

1. Learn to do things yourself

This seems so obvious but you are on your own now and if you are old enough to do that, you are old enough to take full responsibility for everything. Feeling sick? I am afraid mummy is no longer around to make that call to your boss for you!

2. Everyone needs to experience a nightmare housemate

Yes they do. Before I was able to move out to my own place at university (which was the BEST decision I ever made), house shares are notorious for causing a bit of stress. Ideally, live with friends or at least people you know and trust, but even the best arrangements can go wrong.

I was good friends with my first set of housemates in my nursing accommodation but within a few months they moved out and it was never quite the same since. Two new people moved in and they took over the living space and I was trapped in my room every single night.

When I lived in Leeds, I first lived in a house share with strangers before a day of horrendous anxiety made me pack up my things and get out pronto (to live with my then boyfriend). The first lot of people were fine, but as the landlord brought new people in trust went out the window and it was no longer fun.

I am thankful I had a plan B, not everyone will be so fortunate so trust your gut in those situations. Also, always ALWAYS have a lock on your bedroom door.

moving out of home

moving out of home

3. Don’t spend every weekend going home

This depends on how far away you have moved, if you have just relocated down the road then it does not matter so much but if you have moved out of home to a new area, you need to give yourself a chance to settle in.

Devon was at least a three-hour train journey from London when I lived there and it was not something I could afford to do more than once every couple of months. When I was not visiting my boyfriend I spent my weekends walking up and down Oxford Street, exploring new areas in London and from time to time, spending the day with one of my new friends.

Mostly though, I was having a crash course in learning to be okay on my own and let me assure you, it takes time. Read my post on being your own best friend.

 4. Never do your first food shop in one go

 …Unless you have a car. I lived in nursing accommodation in London and we were fortunate that we had a large supermarket down the road, which was ideal walking distance.

I still remember a woman looking at me in sympathy when I exited the store after my first shop, with my arms and hands ladled with shopping bags; how I got it all back to the flat I do not know.  So just be sensible and maybe split up the shop into two or more trips.

moving out of home

 5. Seize opportunities to meet new people

Definitely easier said than done but when an opportunity presents itself, take it. When I first moved out of home, I assumed all my dental nursing friends would be living in the same accommodation as me, but in reality, they all lived a commutable distance away.

London was very lonely for me but in places where I have lived since, I joined the local hockey team or found that my days were very people filled, leaving just the evenings to entertain myself. I am still to this day always seeking out opportunities to meet people but it really is hard.

 6. Be practical about what you take with you

If you do not need to pack everything including the kitchen sink, do not. Box up your entire bedroom if necessary but leave behind the things that are not critical possessions unless you’re moving out of home to somewhere permanent.  I carried around with me far too much for years, which only grows with every move so be warned!

moving out of home

 7. Budget!

Pay your bills, put some aside for savings, a rainy day etc. and allow yourself some budget to have fun with. Your twenties particularly are about going out and having fun so allocate money accordingly.

 8. Pets are great, but they are a tie

My family home growing up was filled with pets so moving out to a flat with no pets was hard, and on so many occasions I nearly bought something out of desperation. But don’t.

Enjoy the freedom a pet-free home allows and only when you have properly settled somewhere, and have the time to care for them, should you consider buying a pet.  Do not be like some of the big bloggers and buy a small dog for Instagram, and then travel all the time it is completely not fair.

moving out of home

moving out of home

What I am wearing: Black leggings – Miss Guided; T-shirt – Juicy Couture; Coat – New Look (old); Scarf – ASOS; Backpack – Therapy at House of Fraser

 9. Living alone isn’t for everyone

I am very good at being on my own, loneliness aside I learnt to be great in my own company so when I found an affordable little annex, big enough for one person about halfway through university, it was honestly a dream come true.

Living alone might appear to be the dream when you are living in a nightmare house share, it will not be for everyone so just bear that in mind before taking the leap.

 10. Relish your Freedom

Relish the freedom moving out of home brings. It does have its struggles, and there will be times you question why you left the home comforts of mum and dad’s place.

Most of all, enjoy the experience moving out of home independence brings!

Are you thinking about moving out of home?

Until next time x


    • Claire
      26th February 2017 / 7:14 pm

      Thank you! 🙂

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