How to Get a New Job & Recognising the Need for Change

How to get a new job: I think it’s important to acknowledge that not all recognition for change means a change of role and/or workplace, sometimes solutions can be suggested and found internally.

However, sometimes even with the best intentions at heart, trying to enforce change within a workplace and/or team proves too challenging and the change you seek can only come from acknowledging it’s time to move on elsewhere.

Part One: Recognising the Need for Change

how to get a new job

how to get a new jobhow to get a new job

Recognising you no longer fit –

Sometimes teams change, people change, places change and suddenly something you felt secure and happy in, no longer feels right anymore. Either you adapt, choose to keep your head down and not involve yourself (which can be incredibly isolating), or you leave.

No Longer Caring –

A colleague once told me when I was feeling particularly sensitive following a team meeting, that the trick is to stop caring so that things no longer bother you. I agree to an extent, but once you stop caring you need to leave.

Caring about something in the workplace is a sign that doing well and maintaining a level of quality in your work matters, and when that comes into doubt, maybe you need to think about a bigger change.

No longer sharing the same values –

Some scenarios I have witnessed:

  • A colleague gets unfairly fired and yet there are others who consistently take the piss and never get issued with a termination of their contract.
  • You can’t be offered a promotion but others can be moved left, right and center to ensure their career goals are met.
  • Some colleagues get regularly praised and rewarded and there you are, sat in the corner doing everything but without the same acknowledgement. Could you stay working for that company?

*Insert name of Workplace*? Completed it, Mate!

Sometimes it can really be that simple, you have simply exhausted all available promotions, tasks, challenges and it’s time to move on to pastures new to progress yourself, and your career.

Of course, you can stay put and just drift along, that’s absolutely fine. But if you find yourself becoming unsatisfied and bored, then the solution is an obvious one.

Part Two: How to Get a New Job

how to get a new job

I have written several posts about life after graduation, careers, interviews (and here) and getting into marketing, but sometimes getting a new job isn’t as straightforward as it should/could be, even if you take on all the advice and do everything by the book as it were (I have experience of this first-hand).

I really am a believer that everything happens for a reason, and if you were unsuccessful in a job interview, that’s because that wasn’t the job for you and something better is still out there waiting.

Patience really is the key when it comes to job searching, but persistence always pays off in the end.

Finding something for the interim –

This applies mostly to those looking to enter into a specific industry following a period of study, as often there is a duration of unemployment while that next opportunity is sought, and sometimes you just have to get yourself a job in anything to tide yourself over.

This was exactly my situation following university, I was unemployed for about four months before I had to temporarily change tactic and go back into retail.

It can be soul destroying, but at least you’re not worrying about paying the bills and you never know where that next great opportunity will come from.

Utilise job boards –

Job boards may seem obvious, but this is how I have applied for, had interviews, and got my last couple of jobs from. Total Jobs, Only Marketing Jobs, Indeed and even LinkedIn should be utilised for opportunities.

You can also set up alerts so that when a role matching your key requirements is posted, you get emailed straight away. When it comes to how to get a new job, let the internet do a majority of the work for you in hunting it down.

Reach out to those connections –

When people say it’s all about who you know, it really is. Networking can be intimidating but in life, you meet so many people along the way that it’s worth keeping in touch because you never know when they may need you, or you them.

how to get a new job

Only say Yes when it’s Right –

Sometimes it’s easy to accept the first job you are offered but only do so when you truly think it meets your current goals and you can see yourself there.

Often you can’t really tell until you’re in a place, what it is really like, but you can still get a good feel for the place and some of the people at interview. This is something I think you are more comfortable with when you have some career experience under your belt because as you develop, your needs change and you need to be sure a new job is definitely going to offer you the right kind of progression you are after.

In the beginning of your career journey, sometimes you are keen to accept anything in your chosen industry because it’s a foot in the door. But down the line, getting a new job can take slightly longer but you are willing to hold out for that right role.

Are there any other signs of change to look out for that you have experienced and any advice you can share about how to get a new job?

Until next time x

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