Caitlin Moran: How to Build a Girl Tour

Caitlin Moran How to build a girl tour

Hey Sweeties,

On Wednesday last week I made my first visit to the Hackney Empire to watch Caitlin Moran on her, ‘How to Build a Girl Tour’ …and I loved it!

Caitlin Moran is a woman you’re either familiar with or you’re not… but if you consider yourself a 21st century feminist, then you need to get this woman on your radar if she isn’t already! She’s fabulous, funny… and talks about wanking and periods (aka. monthly ghastliness)… a lot!

I first got acquainted with Caitlin a few years ago when I read her first book, ‘How to be a Woman’ and I instantly -and dare I say finally- found a kind of feminism that matched my own very similar thoughts and attitude. I have spoken about my opinions on here lots and I would hope that you would agree that while I am a feminist, I am liberal minded. One of the best posts I have done on here that explains my ideas almost completely, can be found when I discussed page 3 (here). Essentially, while I might not love women taking their clothes off for the camera, modern feminism allows it and also allows these women to also be considered feminists. For me, I strangely kind of admire these women, they have a kind of confidence that I don’t and ultimately, one of Caitlin’s messages is to love yourself and consider yourself beautiful which so few women do, myself included.

Anyway, back to the tour (imagine it’s Wednesday evening).

The venue is packed, like sold out packed (1300 people) with a ratio of 99% women to 1% men! While others arrive in big groups and with friends, I am on my own having booked the last single seat a couple of weeks ago. Caitlin arrives on stage to the Sugarbabes, Freak like me in a pair of denim shorts, tights, Doc Martens and a shirt. I miss what she did next as the people in front chose that very moment to come back from the bar despite the 5 minute warning, doing exactly the same after the interval later on! Twats.

The show is split into two halves -the first half focussed on (basically), how fucked up the world is highlighting inequality as one of the root causes. The second half of the evening (following a short interval), is about Caitlin herself.

Within my overies, I contain the power of the Universe” -this is what Caitlin made us ladies shout within the first 5 mintues, while the men had to say, “the clutch is going on that car!” We also later all had to stand up and shout “I am a feminist” before Caitlin read us the associated chapter from, ‘How to be a Woman’.

Throughout the show she created a brilliant engaging interaction between her and us -the audience- which was great, talking us through a number of things relating to feminism; her top three list of menstrual distasters was a particular highlight and had us all in tears… Benedict Cumberbatch’s castle anyone?!

Without giving the whole tour away -you will have to see it for yourself if she does anymore, as a feminist, her efforts are to get out there the things that happen (that are normal), but are never mentioned, highlighting how women do not see themselves reflected in society or in the media (accurately), anywhere. Having done a degree in Media Communications where much of my three years was spent analysing gender in the media, I am only too aware of this. But Caitlin takes it that step further. For example, asides from the Always adverts, where are periods mentioned?! They are this thing that happens to every single woman every month and yet it is perceived to be a problem and menstual blood too distgusting for viewing. However, violent blood is not only wrong, it’s seen and glorified across the media constantly in front of everyone. Go figure.

Caitlin Moran is a refreshing voice, cutting through the mainstream shite and putting into conversation the things that are ‘normal’ to more than half of the population; for all it’s faults, the internet has been a blessing to activism. If you ever get a chance to see Caitlin live or read her books, do! You can also view her fantastic comedy, Raised by Wolves currently airing on Channel 4, which for me is quite possibly one of the best things I’ve seen on TV in a long while!

Until next time x


My Top 10 Most Inspirational Women

Most Inspirational Women

In celebration of International Women’s Day, I thought I would share with you my top 10 list of most inspirational women. In these women, I find drive and determination to succeed, overcome obstacles, strength of character and their career success to date amongst other things.

All the qualities of these most inspirational women, I aspire and strive myself to one day achieve. Age is irrelevant and my list is in no particular order.

My Mum

(Not pictured) Needs no introduction or explanation, a woman’s first inspiration should always be her Mum and mine is no exception!

Vanessa Vallely

The East-end girl done good! I first wrote about Vanessa a couple of weeks ago after I attended a work conference where she was invited as a guest speaker. For the low down, revisit that post here.

Karren Brady

I love Karren and her autobiography is excellent! She tells you like it is and she writes how she speaks –to the point and I like that; I hate unnecessary fluff in conversation!

For me, she is the ultimate woman to aspire to be like in business.

Jennifer Saunders

I have always admired Jennifer, I love her comedy and sense of humour. It’s my dream to ultimately achieve her writing success.

Lorraine Candy

I was lucky enough to meet Lorraine a couple of times last year at Elle Insider events and I am a huge fan of Elle Magazine (as you all know). I feel it is one of the few women’s publications that really get their audience and blend together the right content to achieve the right level of engagement while being relatable.

For a woman with four young children that you would never think looking at her petite frame, I love how Lorraine actively champions being a mum and a successful Editor while being effortlessly stylish. I want to be her!

Anna Wintour

I admire Anna Wintour on the basis that although I am not a reader of Vogue, I admire how despite many thinking she should step aside and let younger, fresher eyes takeover the magazine, she holds her ground.

I have watched the September Issue several times and the one thing that stuck out at me immediately was when she said that when filling out her college application, her Dad told her to put down as her career ambition to be the Editor of Vogue… And she is!


If you have just said ‘who’ then you need to read my post (here) specifically I mean all the popular female YouTubers & Bloggers who have become their own boss and made their own success and for the most part, are still in their early twenties. Incredible!

Emma Watson

The face of the HeForShe campaign, Emma has become quite the young activist championing the right and need for gender equality. Known originally for her acting, she has shown that she is so much more than the darling of Hollywood. She is the young woman’s role model!

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Who doesn’t want to be Rosie right now?! I love how despite her incredible beauty, she has brains behind her looks that she uses to explore business ventures such as her collections with Marks & Spencer. I am seriously considering lopping my long locks off to match her enviable long bob.

But in all seriousness, she’s another example of a young woman taking charge of her own career.

Lena Dunham

I am currently nose deep in Lena’s book, ‘Not that kind of Girl’ and I am really enjoying it! Similar to why I like Karren Brady, Lena tells it like it is but about life rather than business and I can completely relate. Not with everything mind, but the way she describes early boyfriends and relationship things are just so on point I just sit and giggle as I read.

Her book aside, much like many of the women listed above, she too champions women’s rights and she uses this in her writing for film and television.

Who are your most inspirational women?

Until next time x

What makes the Modern Woman Happy?

SUnday Chat Modern Woman

Hey Sweeties,

While trying to think up this week’s post –which often proves a challenge- I was trying to think up an angle on which to discuss female success but equally conscious that while I am feeling somewhat frustrated today and not wanting to write up a rant, cue The Daily Mail (Mail Online) for providing me some material.

Eating cake, flirting with strangers and dodging a parking ticket: The little things that REALLY make modern women feel alive (article here).

“Getting a freebie, winning an argument with customer services and flirting with a stranger are the things that make a modern woman’s day, a new study has revealed.

Dodging a parking ticket and eating cake also make the top 20 list of things that make women feel alive.

The study also reveals that today’s women even admit getting a buzz when they break the law.

Five per cent of ladies say complaining to customer services and winning the argument gives gets them excited most.

In fact, the research found ladies get a kick from everything naughty-but-nice.

One per cent confesses to a thrill from breaking the law – or avoiding a parking ticket.

And indulging in a tasty cake gets eight per cent excited.”

This ‘study’ has been carried out by brand, Nature’s Way Alive! And I couldn’t be dying more inside knowing that a) this is considered news B) this is actually considered a study and C) women actually gave these as answers.

Of course it’s a thrill breaking the law, that’s why so many do it and why most are now in jail. Free stuff is great as is winning an argument; does it make my day though? No. Does it make me excited? Oh please. Do I get excited eating cake? Really? Who are these 8% of women?!

The only thing the Mail Online is good for is providing that lunchtime celebrity gossip quick fix but for everything else, it is terrible. Like, really terrible. Poorly written, crap basically. But let’s not get personal. It’s common knowledge that The Daily Mail is pretty disapproving of female success but content like this really takes the piss. I mean, why even write it?

Personal situations aside, the modern woman does have a lot to be thankful for and although I wouldn’t count eating cake as exciting, life for the modern woman arguably is more exciting than those of previous generations. Feminism continues to fight for equal opportunities and women around the world are fighting for a better quality of life and we should all be behind this.

For me –a modern woman- although I wouldn’t say I am in a totally happy place right now, particularly while I sit in limbo working out and waiting for my next career opportunity that is frustrating at the best of times, what makes me happy (and alive) is knowing that the modern woman can have a career. Of course to have a career we have to become skilled at juggling -family commitments to name just one but that’s just how it is and for the most part, we manage because that’s how brilliant we are.

Ask me in a few years’ time what makes me happy and my list will undoubtedly involve being married and my children (because modern feminism allows for those things). But my list now for what makes me happy and alive are (in no particular order):

  • My boyfriend/being in a relationship
  • Our house
  • Having a job that allows me financial independence (or what’s left after all the bills at least)
  • My family
  • My friends
  • …And lots of other things because although I am not really an advocate for ‘having it all’ (why would we need everything?), us modern women actually do have a lot of opportunity to find happiness in a combination of mind, body and materialism.

What makes you happy?

Until next time x

Elle Insider Event with Estee Lauder: Modern Muse

Estee Lauder Modern Muse

Hey Sweeties,

Originally thinking I would have to keep this a secret until later in December; I can in fact share my latest visit to Elle Magazine HQ with you guys now –yippee!

So, earlier this month I was emailed by Elle asking me (an Elle Insider) if I wanted to join Team Elle in the Fashion Cupboard to celebrate Estée Lauder’s new fragrance, Modern Muse Chic. They wanted a selection of Insider’s to go up to HQ and share their stories about who inspires them. Of course I jumped at this opportunity!

So, bright and early (9am to be precise) last Saturday I was in London barefaced and ready for a morning of filming! Once our attendance had been confirmed a week or two before, we were asked to arrive with an answer prepared for this question:

“What is the most inspirational advice I have ever been given by another woman?”

To be honest, this wasn’t as easy to answer as you would think. I read a lot of things that inspire me but inspiration advice I have been told directly? Not so much. However, my mind did cast back to my teen self during my A-Levels which was a miserable time for me and as you can imagine it was difficult for my Mum to see me so regularly stressed out and upset that naturally she wanted to rid me of what was getting me so down. I remember her telling me that I didn’t have to keep with the course, that it was ok to quit and that I had already made her really proud. Of course I didn’t quit but what I took from that moment was that it is important to not do something for the sake of others and for you and you alone. You should be at the heart of all decisions. This for me has been quite inspirational and something I have drawn upon regularly.

Unfortunately, when it came to filming, our prepared paragraphs actually had to be crammed into a mere sentence or two so what that will get edited into I don’t know. Essentially the message I hope to come from my input will be to keep things simple and not overload yourself. But we’ll see, I’ll share the video with you guys once I have been sent it but it’ll also be available to view on!

Estee Lauder makeover

One of the perks of the day was being able to get my hair and makeup professionally done!

Modern Muse Chic
Overall the day was really fun and interesting and a BIG thank you goes to Elle and Estee Lauder for allowing people like me to get involved!

Until next time x


This is my third experience with Elle magazine this year, you can read about my Benefit opportunity here and seeing Lorraine Candy in conversation with Ruby Tandoh here.

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