The Pursuit of Friendship: How to make friends as an adult

Sometimes you just need to be honest. It’s no good just letting people know when everything is okay because often, everything is not okay. I know I have hinted at it before but I have never said it properly: I’m lonely.

I don’t need hundreds of friends, I like loyal close friendships and we all know that your true friendships can be counted on one hand, and I can do that. But they live far away.

It occurred to me tonight that what I want is people near enough to just hang out with, you know, pop round for a cuppa, watch a film… you know those moments when you’re just together and you haven’t got to speak or do anything, you can just be.

To see my friends involves a calendar, a long car journey and money. This isn’t bad, of course it isn’t but it isn’t spontaneous. We catch up when we realise we have things to say and inform so all conversation builds for weeks and then expels in a day or in a couple of hours over lunch or dinner, and then it goes quiet again.

I remember my best friend at secondary school, we would talk all day about silly, teenage things and still manage to talk on the phone or email great long letters at night. There was always stuff to say because you said it as you thought of it.

I have always loved my own space and my alone time, I am great at being alone. For years this was because I was always around people and now, even though I want company, it’s not there to have therefore I can but only be alone.

A fundamental problem is that I have moved so many times, I keep moving away from a life I have temporarily made for myself and the people I meet. I move away and start again.

For many years this was because my family relocated, for the last seven years it has been me in my pursuit of my own adventures and life. But I am suffering for it or at least, I feel like I am suffering a bit for it.

I am not in the grand scale of things as my journey has always progressed forward but I feel like I am suffering because I am lonely and I can’t see a time when this will change. Well I can, it will change when I have a baby or buy a dog because they are the keys to unlocking the door to ready formed friendship groups with something in common.

I joined my hockey club last September for two reasons 1. To do something active that I remember I always loved doing at school and 2. To meet people and get some socialisation back in my life.

This is great when the season is in full swing, but its crap when it’s over because a season isn’t long enough to make friends, not the kind where you’re going to call each other up to hang out.

I’m fine with this, these things take time and a newcomer like me can’t just waltz in to ready formed groups of people and expect to just fit in, it doesn’t work like that and I am not just referring to hockey. It applies to every new place and situation.

You also can’t just force yourself onto people, you need to get acquainted and build on it. Also you’re not going to click with everybody, that’s why your true friendships can only be counted on one hand because life has already accounted for that fact.

I am not asking for sympathy, in fact I think this post makes me sound a bit pathetic, but it’s honest. It’s an honest kind of pathetic but I can’t disguise how I truly feel day to day when I claim to write a blog that is supposed to let you in.

Talking about my beauty favourites isn’t letting you in, it’s talking about things that I know we all want to read about. Its girl-talk but it’s nothing substantial; a blog is an opportunity to reach out… a key to unlocking new communities of people with things in common.

So if you’re out there, reading this and just like me, reach out and say “hey”…I’ll say it back, promise.


Anxiety & the Importance of Friendship

Hey Sweeties,

2014-03-09 13.52.44Apologies I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks, I’ve been incredibly consumed with houses, work and just life really. But the sun is out, spring is here and I’ve just come back from a lovely long walk and ready to blog! Here goes…

So, what’s new? Well… house wise, we thought we found our dream house and over a period of 2.5 weeks we put down an offer, then upped it, and upped it and upped it again to at the last hour get rejected. Nothing more heart breaking! Then, we found another house a couple of days ago and we’ve placed an offer and hopefully we’ll find out the outcome tomorrow, fingers crossed sweeties! I have plans to dedicate a whole post to buying houses so I’ll leave all the juicy details for then 🙂

Spring is here!

Spring is here!

Aside from the anxiety of knowing I have to relocate in a couple of months which for me really is a big deal, February marked 7 years since flying the comfy nest of my family home and going it alone and since then I have moved somewhere completely different every 2 ish years -London, Leeds, Bath, North Hampshire (where I am now) and true to form, I’ll have been here 2 years in May but will be off somewhere else come then… at the moment it looks like Slough! Anyone been or already live there? Advice? So yeah, aside from this moving anxiety, two great things have happened this year, one happened right at the beginning and the second one happened yesterday…

My Best Friend is getting married in 2015 (uber exciting!!) and just after Christmas (I think?) she asked me the most amazing thing a best friend could be asked… would I be Maid of Honour? Of course I would!! Prior to this I offered and commited to designing her Save the Date and wedding invites, partly as my contribution to the wedding (pre Maid of Honour) and partly so that I am building experience and my portfolio in design work (why not eh?). I can’t wait to help her create and bring to life her dream wedding and be right be her side at the alter as she becomes a married woman (wow, that actually sounds scary when you say it out loud!).

The second incredibly exciting thing is that another very close friend of mine who is otherwise affectionately known as ‘Wifey’, had an utterly gorgeous baby boy last summer. I have had a few friends give birth to bundles of joy in the last couple of years but (without offending the others) Wifey’s little boy is an amazing baby, he’s just so happy and cuddly and brilliant! So, quite out of the blue yesterday afternoon Wifey called me up and was like, “would you (me) be God Mother?” AHHHHHHHH, couldn’t be more honoured and I can’t believe that I have been so blessed with this responsibility! *Wipes away happy tear* Bring on the Christening and a lifetime of watching this little baby turn into a young man and beyond and being there to support him all the way!

One big thing that has really suffered or rather, I have had to sacrifice as part of moving around (did I mention pre flying the nest I had attended 4 Primary schools, 1 Secondary and lived in 6 houses across a variety of locations in the UK?!) is that I have made friends and then upped and left them time and time again. I am incredibly fortunate in that I have a small handful of very valued friendships but none of them know each other, and none of them live near me. This of course opens opportunity for fun days out and trips with each of them when we catch up but a quick drink down the pub or a nice dinner one evening is a no no which I desperately miss. It’s this lack of socialisation that brings me down some of the time as like I have said previously in an earlier post, Ian is great and the phone is always there but it’s not the same as regular face to face conversation. So, despite all this, to be in a position as I am today where I am Maid of Honour and a new God Mother is a tremendous feeling of love and emotion. It actually just shows that you don’t have to be living next door to your friends for them to still consider you so highly as to involve you so intimately with very important areas of their lives. I really do truly feel blessed.

Until next time, Sweeties xx

Friends forever

Life Updates | When Things get a bit much, Take a Walk



Hey Sweeties,

Some life updates for you…

It is a beautiful sunny day so I have left the house for a walk and to try and escape my current stresses and gain some perspective on my life. I feel stressed and although I would consider myself a glass half full person, I am going through a bit of a negative phase. There are a lot of things happening right now, mostly concerning the overnight sale of the flat I share with my boyfriend and now deciding where to live and embarking on purchasing our first house. Yes it’s incredibly exciting but I don’t feel I am really in control of everything and for a control freak, this is a bit of an emotional nightmare.

This month marks 7 years since I flew the family nest and I have come a long way –I moved out of comfy naïve Devon to the big smoke of London to work and train to be a dental nurse, I then had a 6 month gap to fill so I moved to Leeds to be closer to my then boyfriend that never introduced me to his family and work professionally as a dental nurse which by then I detested. 6 months later and I moved down to Bath to attend Uni and pursue my ambitions to work in communications. While doing a summer job at the end of my 2nd year, I met the man I will eventually marry and after Uni I moved to Hampshire to be with him and now… we’re about to move somewhere new, together. It’s no wonder really that although I feel I’ve seen and done a lot, I have no real connection to anywhere I have lived and still don’t. My best friend lives all the way down in Cornwall, my family are still in Devon and although I meet and make new friends everywhere, I still don’t have anyone (by anyone I mean female friends) I can consistently rely on to ‘hang out with.’ Ultimately it boils down to the fact that I am trying to integrate myself into people’s lives that are somewhat already too established to suddenly make room for me, and when I get in sight of achieving this, I up sticks and move away again!
Jeez I sound like I am whining and so hard done by! I’m not FYI, I’m just in a very reflective mood today and trying to make sense of my misery.

While I walk I can see signs that spring is on the way, a time of change. It’s exciting!

I can see the people, cars and cyclists passing me from time to time as I walk and giving me disapproving looks while I furiously tap out my thoughts on my phone thinking I am just another of those young people preoccupied with my cyber life than I am on my real one but if I wasn’t typing as I pace, you wouldn’t be reading this now and I my internal thoughts would be disappearing into the air and not into my blog. Maybe I should buy myself a Dictaphone… (*ponders this*)

Writing is such a good therapy. I am pretty useless at creative writing because although I am creative, I don’t have the vocabulary or an internal dictionary good enough to explain things in a more elaborative, descriptive and poetic detail. I just tell it like it is, the sky is blue, sometimes grey and all that and why whoever invented the blog needs knighting!

So you wanna know how I feel? This (*points above) is how I feel.

Until next time x

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