A Worrying Disney Princess Obsession

Disney princesses

Hey Sweeties,

A few thoughts for you today on my feelings about how I am slightly weary of Disney Princesses and how they seem to be inflicting a certain kind of ideology…  View Full Post

Christmas Day & Seeing Disney on Ice

Hey Sweeties,

It has been a few days now since Blogmas ended and despite enjoying the break, my fingertips have started itching to begin blogging again so until things fully get back in motion, I thought I would provide you all with a little post Christmas update!

So, you’ll all know how much I was looking forward to hosting our first Christmas in our new home and Blogmas day 22 (here) documented our Christmas food shop… well, although the day went well on that front I can’t take full credit for it as of all the days to catch something, on Christmas day I went down with a 24 hour (ish) bug! Fan-bloody-tastic! I won’t go into details but it wasn’t pretty… I was gutted though and so upset. Ian however was my hero and stepped up and took over the cooking and hosting of the day!

Christmas Lunch

On Boxing Day I was feeling better but not totally 100% but ok enough to head into London to The O2 to see Disney on Ice. It’s fair to say Disney on Ice really isn’t/wasn’t Ian’s thing but his Mum and I were looking forward to it and enjoyed ourselves as although the whole thing was a bit cringey, the skating was fantastic.

What was amusing was seeing every other little girl in attendace dressed up as Elsa from Frozen and as you can appreciate there were hundreds of kids. Would I take my children to it though? No. I mean, it was fun and the children that were there enjoyed seeing their favourite characters but the skating aspect you could tell was totally lost on them. I won my tickets at my work Christmas raffle but I can imagine tickets weren’t cheap and I would be unlikely to purchase them in the future…

Disney on Ice

Disney on Ice

What I found though totally outrageous was how much The O2 exploited families -absolutely disgraceful! Ticket cost aside, all the souveniors and food were ridiculously priced and if you had treated your young family to a day out there, you would struggle to get away with not buying them a little gift or some snacks during the performance. I just felt in this situation The O2 really let itself down.

The O2 Disney on Ice

Ian and I have now ventured west and are spending a few days relaxing with my family in Devon. Mum and I are hitting the sales tomorrow so stay tuned to a haul post coming your way shortly!

I hope you are all enjoying the Christmas break!

Until next time x

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