Getting a Tattoo: Five things to consider before getting inked

Getting a tattoo can be a really fun and exciting experience, but there are a few things everyone should consider before getting inked.

I have four tattoos (so far), all of them done for different reasons and inked by different tattoo artists.

My first tattoo is on my lower back which I got when I was 18 or 19. Growing up my mum didn’t have a problem with piercings (and I had quite a few of them too) but she always said that she would be really disappointed in me if I got a tattoo.

To be honest, I never thought I would get a tattoo, for years they just never appealed but then I started to think one on my back would look nice, so I started drawing some designs and at the time I knew a good tattooist, then I just went for it.

Back tattoo

My second tattoo is a lily with a butterfly. Originally I just got the outline of the lily done, before later getting it coloured in and a butterfly added.

I won’t lie, I wanted this tattoo because there was a small group of us that loved tattoos, and I also fancied one on my wrist. My Mum was a little bit annoyed at this addition but I had moved out of home at this point and was leading my own life.

Wrist tattoo

My third tattoo is on my left rib-cage. This tattoo was a kind of rebellion following a break-up with a long-term boyfriend. I needed a word, a word that I needed to have ingrained on me to remember how to be and that I was worth being with for how I was/am. That word was ‘believe‘.

We are in a generation where nearly everyone has an inking of some sort but I think we do all need to consider how we’ll look if we choose very visual tattoos. Things like the workplace, potential employers might not favour a heavily tattooed sleeve; it’s annoying, but you do have to consider these things.

Five things to consider before getting a tattoo: 

  1. Research and spend time looking for a reputable tattoo artist
  2. Be patient, if you can’t get booked in for a few weeks this is a good sign -it means your tattooist is in demand and obviously worth waiting for
  3. Think about your design, be clear with what you want, it’s with you for life after all
  4. Think also about location of your tattoo. The back of your leg may look great now but will it when you’re older?
  5. I will also discourage inking names… unless it is of children; on the whole they shouldn’t later divorce you and leave you with a permanent reminder of them.

What advice would you share to someone before getting a tattoo?

Until next time x

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