Winter Fresh Makeup | Blogmas Day 22

Hey Sweeties,

Christmas in the beauty world is quite arguably all about the red lip (and heavy doses of lip balm, right?) in the same way autumn is all about those gorgeous berry tones. I love being able to warm up my makeup during this time of year however, a simple nude or pink toned colour will survive all year round and will still compliment any winter look.

You’ll remember a few months ago I showed you my makeup collection of lip products which you can no doubt appreciate has since continued to expand. Of my collection, my favourite lip products have got to be my Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet lipsticks (review here); Happy Nude Year & Nudist are still my most used although I am having quite the affair at the moment with Grand Cru which is one of my newest additions. While they might not be the longest lasting, I do also absolutely love Rimmel lipsticks as they seem to totally nail creating beautiful pink toned formulas.

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Grand Cru

Rimmel 006 Pink Blush

Rimmel 006 Pink Blush

During the colder months (although arguably while it is winter in the UK at the moment, it’s certainly not as cold as it could be), I embrace being able to darken up my eye makeup, flush my cheeks with warm pinks and wear dark colours on my nails. That being said, there is actually something incredibly beautiful about creating a softer, wintery fresh complexion at this time too, particularly if you’re wearing big chunky clothing and layers. When it is properly cold, I love how skin turns a shade of pale peach and while I do pretty much wear bronzer all year round, sometimes it’s nice to leave it out of the routine from time to time. This is also where a pale pink or nude lip comes into play, leaving the drama in the eyes alone, if at all. Sometimes it really is all about less is more and arguably the focus over the colder months should be about properly protecting what’s underneath rather than on top.

Fresh winter makeup

What are your favourite go-to products in the winter?

Until next time x


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