Blogmas Day 15: SPOTY2014 & It’s Nearly Christmas


Hey Sweeties,

Hello Monday! One more week of work and its hello Christmas; can’t wait!

Yesterday the ‘Sports Personality of the Year’ (#SPOTY2014) was announced and Lewis Hamilton took the crown and I hate to say it but I will… I am not sure this was the right result (*fights off rotten fruit being thrown*). Of course the winner is decided by public vote and if the majority voted for Lewis then Lewis is the winner. But I can’t help but feel others were (dare I say it) more deserving?

Before you all shout outrageous things at me (and throw more rotten fruit), let’s get one thing straight. Lewis Hamilton is an incredible (F1) driver and I don’t for one moment doubt his skill, his ambition and his success. My problem is actually that I do not see F1 as a sport. Yes it does demand an element of physical strength but when you have other nominees in contention for the title who really put themselves through rigorous mental and physical testing and don’t have anywhere near the same amount (if any) of sponsorship access (like Lewis) and still win gold medals and break world records in their respective areas, then yes, I think they are worth shouting about more. Put Lewis in a crap car and yes he’ll be able to rag it round a race track but win? No.

I was though absolutely delighted when the England Women’s rugby team took the award for ‘Best Team’ as here you have a group of women who all have part-time jobs and yet can still be completely committed to and at the top of their game in rugby. I won’t begin a feminist debate on here now but I can’t help but be routing for the women -whether single handily or in a team- do amazing things and get recognition for it against men in the same categories.

Moving on.

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas… it really is! I have come home this evening from work to a house filled with Christmas tunes playing and Ian making preparations in the living room to start hosting the festivities before the Christmas rush really begins and it becomes food, drink and crimbo films a plenty for a few days. I can also really feel the year beginning to wrap itself up and start making way for 2015… although I really can’t be dealing with New Year thoughts right now. Anyone else start slamming the breaks on life around this time, not dreading but sort of trying to delay the new year coming in? Always about 11:55pm on 31st December I try to cling on to the year almost gone before I feel ready to start a fresh… just me?

Anyway, think I’ll leave it for today (I am always conscious that you guys might not like my posts that are too text heavy and not beauty related? Some feedback would be great sometime if you’re passing and have 5 minutes). I have my work Christmas party tomorrow night which you’ll hopefully read about on Wednesday and tomorrow and Thursday’s posts are beauty reviews! Exciting week eh?!

Until tomorrow x


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