Planning work experience: employer guide to creating tasks for interns

Planning work experience can be tougher than you think. I was recently reflecting on the work experience I did while at university, and I got to thinking about the tasks I was able to complete for the companies I interned for and how it could have been improved.

I have also been in charge of looking after work experience interns a couple of times and it’s amazing how hard it is to fill up a week with tasks, job shadowing etc. without risk of leaving them idly sat at a computer or reading mounds of company literature.

I have written before about the benefits of work experience but this time I thought I would create a post for employers, about how to ensure the time an intern spends in a company is productive and beneficial.

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Work experience: How to get it & why it’s important

It’s the start of a new academic year and many of you will be embarking on university life; learning to live independently for the first time, studying for a degree, working part-time, all the while thinking about what the hell you’re going to do at the other end.

I went to uni knowing what I wanted to do at the other end, but I still needed work experience for two reasons:

1. to be 100% sure it was a career I would like (because everything sounds great until you’re actually doing it for yourself)

2. to give myself a head start over other graduates applying for the same positions.

Work Experience

Work Experience

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