Summer Challenges: Raising Money & Getting Fit

Hi Sweeties,

At the beginning of the year (4 months ago now guys, how time flies eh?!) one of my New Year resolutions was to “continue with hockey and continue to work on my personal health and fitness” so I have an update for you…

Hockey has now finished for the season, resuming again in September although I hope to participate in some summer hockey games should any get organised. It was a good season, my first since last playing hockey over 10 years ago in secondary school so although a bit rusty, the skills were still there (ish) although I still have much to perfect. I was pleased that as a forward and despite my rustiness, I still scored 3 goals for the team over the season!

At the time of making the resolution, the hockey aside I assumed my pledge would involve going to the gym or just making more effort to be active, particularly in the spring-summer months when the evenings get lighter. Now the evenings are lighter, I am going for a powerwalk-jog-run 2-3 times a week covering 4 miles each time and I can feel my strength improving which is great. However, there is now a purpose behind the fitness mission as I have signed up for two summer events both requiring a high level of fitness and stamina!

The first event taking place in June is with a couple of my fellow Yateley Hockey Club ladies in a bid to raise some much needed funds for a new astro pitch. So what are we doing? Well, quite crazily we’re participating in the XRunner Water Wipeout challenge –a 5k run with obstacles through mud and water… it’ll be filthy! Although I have no doubt adrenaline on the day will keep us going, it is still going to be quite a demand physically and we’ll want to complete the course in a decent time so training prior to the event is essential!

The second event I am doing is with work raising money for the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and we’ll be climbing the three peaks… in Yorkshire! This event really appealed to me as again, many years ago while at secondary school I participated in the Ten Tors expedition which takes place across Dartmoor every year around May. Walkers can either do the 35, 45 or 55 mile challenge over two days. I only managed to complete the 35 mile route as during training, Foot and Mouth struck so when I should have originally done the event, it got cancelled so following a second year of training, I finally got to do it. I began training for a third year to complete the 45 mile route but unfortunately by that time I was struggling in my personal life and I was just not in the right frame of mind or mentally strong enough to continue which was a shame. But I still have really fond memories of the event as it’s something participants just never forget!

So yes, the Yorkshire three peaks! It is about 24 miles in total so all done in a day and I am really looking forward to it. Although the climbing of the peaks I have no doubt will be hard work, it should ultimately be really fun and as long as I am walking with a good crowd it’ll make for a fantastic day and experience!

I’ll keep you all posted and updated on progress and outcomes of the events!

Until next time x


To support me in my two summer challenges, please follow the links to make a donation. Every penny spared will be much appreciated and your support is highly valued. Thank you!

XRunner Water Wipeout Challenge

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

Yorkshire Three Peaks

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

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