How to Name a Child: A Checklist to avoid errors like X Æ A-12

How to name a child? It’s been a while since I’ve done a good opinion post but upon hearing the announcement in the media about Elon Musk and his partner Grimes who have named their newborn son, X Æ A-12. I feel compelled to take to the blog with my two pennies worth about naming children.

This post is an extension if you will, about my problem seeing your children online.

X Æ A-12 naming a child checklist
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Preparing for Baby: Courses Attended and Shopping on a budget

Hey Sweeties,

There were a few things I attended ahead of birth when preparing for baby. For as long as I can pretty much remember I have always said that during pregnancy I would read up and attend as much as I could to feel prepared.

Do I still stand by that advice? Definitely. But it’s about finding and consuming the right things as there’s so much advice out there, and when preparing for baby things can quickly become overwhelming.

I kept with wanting to know what we needed, options for birth and understanding labour, basic care, and keeping baby safe.

I generally stayed away from reading other peoples birth stories.

Preparing for baby
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Little Learners Messy Play – Helping Children Learn through Mark Making & Sensory

Hey Sweeties,

From about seven weeks old, I began to seek out local baby groups and classes that I could attend with my son, Austin. I had heard about the Little Learners messy play classes and Austin began attending our local group from around seven months old, at this point he could confidently sit and had begun weaning.

Little Learners Messy Play
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My Breastfeeding Journey – The Highs and Lows of Feeding my Baby

Being a mum is a roller coaster journey, I have never experienced something so rewarding and challenging at the same time… and I am only six and a half months into it! I also have struggled with the speed in which things can change, not so much in my baby’s development and growth, but how you can be having a good day and then something happens that completely flips it on its head, and vice versa. This can apply not just to days, but weeks and months also.

I would advocate that the hardest part overall for me, until week 23 (shortly before my son turned six months old), was feeding him. This sounds crazy I know but any new parent will relate that it really is not straightforward, whether you choose to breastfeed or use formula (or both).

In the first few months, babies literally eat, sleep, poop repeat and I always figured that the sleeping would be the hard part. We have had our sleep struggles, sure, but for me the lack of sleep is just all part of having children. But my son’s weight going up and down on that bloody centile graph has caused me no end of problems, tears and stress!

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Having it all: women, careers and parenting

On Thursday evening I caught the first episode of Anne Robinson’s Britain on BBC1 and this episode focused on parenting. I was watching fairly unconsciously until Editor-in-Chief of Elle Magazine UK, Lorraine Candy got featured and suddenly I took an interest.

Long-term readers of ClaireySweetie will know how much I admire Lorraine and was lucky enough to meet her a couple of years ago at an event and properly fan-girled (here)!

Careers, parenting and what it means to have it all

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