How to feel positive about the every day and how to win at Mondays

How to feel positive can be a lot easier when you can learn it can be about the small things, not just the big things every day. And let’s be honest, we all hate Mondays, the moment our alarms go off.

Where possible, I always try to be a glass half full kinda’ gal and of course sometimes that’s hard. A lot of my mindful themed posts on this blog are about encouraging positivity and I think it’s totally okay if you’re someone that needs to read or watch something to get ideas.

I hope you can find at least one thing in this list that can help improve your outlook and find new ways about how to feel positive.

How to feel positive

How to feel positive 

At Christmas I set up a Happiness Jar following writer, Elizabeth Gilbert’s superb recommendation which many millions of us around the world have taken up to keeping. I’ll admit I am not always that great at remembering to write something down to put into the jar at the end of every day, but the act really is to train your mind into how to feel positive.

Positives can be big or small, from something you have achieved, to something small like the sky being blue; anything that makes you feel a bit better inside. I always love days where I drive past wild bunnies grazing; it really is the little things.

Set yourself a Goal:

Depending on your job and the type of person you are, you might be able to set yourself something to achieve every single day, but this isn’t always the case for everyone and that’s okay. Regardless, on your arrival into the office on a Monday morning (or even before you go to bed on Sunday night to prepare yourself for the week ahead), find something you want to achieve before 5pm Friday.

Again, this can be something big or small depending on your situation. If you have your appraisal that week, go all out for that promotion, or maybe you’re someone like me who struggles a bit with being social with unfamiliar colleagues, so set yourself a goal to having at least one new conversation with a someone you work with.

Whatever you do though, make it achievable without stressing yourself out.

Make a to-do list:

Sometimes Mondays are a real struggle to settle into and get focused, so over your morning coffee, take the time to break your workload for the week down into bite-sized manageable chunks.

Many people love the feeling of ticking things off so I say put even those quick-win tasks down such as sending an email, which will take you two minutes to do but will see you gain that satisfactory tick effortlessly.

Have something to look forward to:

It’s always a good idea to have something to look forward too, ideally for both after work as well as the weekend. Maybe this is an activity such as sport or a hobby you participate in with others, a special treat, date night, seeing friends etc. or even just knowing it’s going to be a nice evening and you can get out and walk the dog.

Seriously, it can be anything as long as it encourages you to get through your day in the office.

Reward Yourself:

I couldn’t not have this as a point could I? Although it taps into elements of all the above points, and while I’m not sure I should advocate rewarding yourself after every day completed (or maybe I should?), there is still a very important message in being able to reward yourself having recognised achievement, no matter how small.

Either this is something like a glass of wine at the end of the week, or some of those items you’ve had saved on your ASOS wish list; whatever it is, if you have learnt to find some positives/overcome a challenge/met a goal/smashed through your to-do list etc. then I think you owe yourself a pat on the back and a treat!

Recognise when you need to make a change:

It’s okay to encourage positive thinking but fundamentally, if there is something really getting you down you need to address it head on. If the thought of Monday is more than just feeling a bit sad the weekend is over, then you need to ask yourself why you are feeling this way.

It’s easier said than done, but life is too short to be miserable and if it’s time to (for example) find a new job, action it now rather than wait until things are really bad. But always remember it’s worth talking through your problems and/or worries first, either with a trusted colleague, or friends and family. Maybe they can shed some insight and a better perspective on things that you hadn’t thought of. Don’t suffer in silence.

How do you feel positive and get through Mondays?

Until next time x

1 Comment

  1. Nicole 21st August 2016 / 6:49 pm

    I love the idea of the happiness jar! I think that’s a great way to end each day on the positive note. I also make to do lists and it makes me feel like I’m having a productive day!

    I just started following you on bloglovin and I love your blog! I would love a follow back!

    xo Nicole

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