Overnight Oats and simple recipe – Veganuary week one highlight

Hey Sweeties,

As you know, I’ve been on a journey to eating a more plant-based diet for I’d say a little under a year now, gradually finding healthier/vegan alternatives to the food and treats I enjoy in my daily life and making those adjustments and replacements accordingly.

In my New Year post, I mentioned that in re of the above, I will be participating in Veganuary –a challenge to go 100% vegan for a month, and while I want to keep you updated with progress, I thought it would be fun to do a weekly post on a Friday highlighting a new recipe, ingredient or even a new restaurant I have discovered and/or particularly been loving in the past week.

My discovery this week is overnight oats.

Veganuary Overnight oats

Overnight oats

Overnight oats are no secret, the internet is filled with a million recipes and pretty much anything goes. I decided to give them a go this week because at work, while there is often a carton of almond milk in the fridge, I can’t rely on this, particularly during Veganuary.

I thought I would try overnight oats as this way I can guarantee myself a healthy vegan breakfast. Essentially, overnight oats is porridge made cold the night before and left in the fridge overnight to soak and thicken. As I said, the internet is filled with tons of recipes but this is how I have been enjoying them:

Overnight oats recipe

  • 1 cup of porridge oats in a bowl
  • Almond or soy milk to cover
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds


I mix all the ingredients together and leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning, I add a dollop of almond butter and a handful of blueberries. Typically this is eaten cold but if I am honest, I like to zap my overnight oats in the microwave for 30 seconds or so just to heat it up a little. 

The trend also it seems is to decant portions into mason jars so they are easy to transport on the go, personally this isn’t for me particularly as I like to heat mine a little so I just use a Sistema Microwave Porridge Bowl.

Veganuary Overnight oats

I think it’s important to note that while you can change your diet and lifestyle overnight, I personally am finding it easier to make these changes gradually. This is partly down to living with a partner and even though I feel I can make the switch easily, my lifestyle choices does impact him too which I need to be considerate of.

It also takes time to find those food alternatives and educate yourself properly to ensure you’re nourishing your body correctly.

Have any of you tried overnight oats?

Until next time x


  1. Lauren 8th January 2016 / 10:38 pm

    I would love to be more vegetarian (vegan may be a little extreme for me at first). I think it is amazing that you have been doing it for nearly a year now

    Lauren x | http://www.laurenapowers.blogspot.com

    • Claire
      21st January 2016 / 9:38 am

      Yes going vegan definitely isn’t for everyone but it is a lot easier to do now with so much information & food stuffs available than say even 5 years ago. If you want to make a change I would do it gradually and see what works and what you do/do not miss and go from there 🙂

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