Hiking Arthur’s Seat | The Edinburgh To-Do List

Hiking Arthur’s Seat was on my Edinburgh to-do list last year but we ran out of time, but it was promised to me on our next visit to the city it would be top of the list… and it was!

I have been to Edinburgh four times, my most recent visit was a week ago and for once we enjoyed the most beautiful sunny weather. The first couple of times to Edinburgh I was a bit unaware of all the things to see and do (and there are loads!), but over the last year or two I have become more aware and made a point to tick a few things off on each visit.

Hiking Arthur’s Seat

Arthur's Seat

I love hiking, I love being outdoors and experiencing nature on foot but it feels like an age since I’ve done anything proper meaty since the Yorkshire Three Peaks a few years ago. As disclaimers go, it’s worth me highlighting now that hiking Arthur’s Seat is nothing like the Yorkshire Three Peaks.

Because it towers over Edinburgh, it does look a heck of a lot higher than it actually is but that by no means means it’s a walk in the park. I mean, the lads and lasses that I passed on my way up and down Arthur’s Seat in their Converse trainers and sandals might suggest differently, but it’s still a hike and not without its risks.

Arthur's Seat

The Route to the summit

There are a number of routes to reach the summit of Arthur’s Seat and you need to choose the one that is most appropriate for you. The photo above with the bench was where we started and you can get here via Holyrood Park Road, but be warned this is the most ‘adventurous route’ and it’s steep… but it’s quick to reach the top and the views on the way up are spectacular.

I however would probably avoid this if it’s raining as the surface can become very slippery, and even though it wasn’t raining on the day we hiked, we saw plenty of people take a tumble and slip.

The most popular and gentle route to the summit is a short distance from the Royal Mile and near Holyrood Palace, it’s well signposted from here.

Arthur's Seat

Arthur's Seat

Arthur's Seat

Arthur's Seat

How long did it take?

I didn’t know for sure at the time how long hiking Arthur’s Seat would take us but I didn’t think it would be more than 2-3 hours and I was right. Because it’s such a thing to go and do when visiting Edinburgh (hence the people walking up in unsuitable footwear), any longer and I don’t think it would be as popular.

Our initial plan on arrival into Edinburgh was to dump our bags at the hotel and then do Arthur’s Seat straight away, but as we weren’t able to do this, we hiked late afternoon instead.

Depending on your level of fitness, hiking Arthur’s Seat is in all about two hours from start to finish, including time at the top for photographs and enjoying the phenomenal view of the city down below.

Arthur's Seat

Arthur's Seat

Arthur's Seat

Arthur's Seat

Arthur's Seat

Arthur's Seat

Hiking Arthur’s Seat was well worth the wait and we couldn’t have picked a better day to do this activity. Even if you’re not massively into hiking, on a clear day the views are honestly stunning and I think more than justify taking 2-3 hours out of your sightseeing schedule to do it.

Until next time x


  1. Kate 19th June 2018 / 9:56 am

    I didn’t quite get to the top of Arthur’s seat. I think I got about halfway up. The bit I did do was amazing. Edinburgh is one of my favourite places to visit. It is so beautiful.

    • Claire
      19th June 2018 / 8:03 pm

      That’s one of the great things I think about Arthur’s Seat; you start getting amazing views really quickly so you don’t need to get to the top. Edinburgh is totally one of my most favourite cities, I love it there and it’s definitely somewhere I am going to keep visiting!

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